would you rather be called baby, honey, or sweetheart? Honey (:
how many people do you truly hate? ich hasse nicht. ich ignoriere. hassen tu ich nur ihn :) aber so zeige ich auch gefühle. verdammt.
anyone ever told you that you’ll always hold a place in their heart? ja :)
when you’re sick or sad, do you want to be alone or do you want someone there with you? zuerst will ich alleine sein. aber dann lasse ich meine liebsten an mich ran und heul mich bei ihnen aus :)
if you had to get another piercing (not ears) what would you get? lippe :)
ever gotten yourself into a confusing situation? IMMER.
compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? ich glaube dieses jahr bin ich etwas glücklicher.
if someone gave you $1,000,000 would you spend it or save it? 1/4 spenden, den rest behalten und davon dann auch meinen eltern und freunden geben :)
is there a girl you absolutely can not stand? ohja.
your most recent ex best friend needs you at 3 am, do you go? kommt drauf an.
are you generally a happy person? YES :)
if you were drunk and couldn’t walk, would the person you last kissed, take care of you? doooch :D
what color shirt are you wearing? marineblau-weiss-gestreift
do you regret doing something today? hab meine babushka besucht :) also nein.
would you rather kiss someone 5 years older or 5 year younger? älter.
is there anyone who doesn’t like you for no apparent reason? gibt bestimmt so leute. why not?
did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? irgendwie in letzter zeit öfter..
what catches your eye more? eyes or smile? ein lächeln bei dem auch die augen strahlen :)
what’s something you want right now? ihn.
do you know anyone who smokes? ganzer freundeskr
do you think you’re a good person? doch auf jedenfall.
what’s the last thing you drank? wasser.
how many people did you have "strong" feelings for in 2010? ja für den ich auch 2009 udn 2008 "strong" feelings hatte.
how is your hair looking right now? lockig wie eh und je :)
when is the next time you will see one of your best friends? morgen hoffentlich :)
next time you will kiss someone? nächstes wochende.
how many drugs are in your system? dauerhigh. heroin cocain :) alles
does any part of your body hurt right now? mein herz. :D hahaha wie schrecklisch.
have you ever had to choose between two people? nein.
can you remember the last place you kissed someone? omas wohnung. kein witz.
will you be up before 7am tomorrow? obwohl ferien sind.... yes :/
is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? nein.
do you think anyone has feelings for you? ja :S baaad.
how’s your heart? wird langsam. aber ist ein schwerer weg :)
when was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
where were you last night? zuhause.
what are your plans for tomorrow? arbeiten mit den süüüüßesten kindern.
has anyone ever said they loved you and not meant it?
is there someone who can always make you smile? bei einem leider.. bei den anderen auf jednefall :)
what are you doing right now? denken.
have you kissed the last person you texted? nein :)
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